Long Island, NY Headshots/Gina’s Headshot Session

A couple of weeks ago I received a phone call from Gina who was looking to get some headshots  taken for her soon to be released new book, Blood Ties.  She mentioned to me how she absolutely hated having her picture taken but i quickly reassured her that we would have plenty of time to take several shots for her to choose from.  We had a beautiful day to shoot outdoors by Newbridge Road Park and Gina totally rocked her session.  Here are a few of her favorites from the session and some of mine.  I have read an excerpt from the book and it looks like it’s going to be a great read especially if you are into paranormal romance.  For more on Gina’s book and to stay up to date with the book release, you can follow her here on Twitter .

Long Island Headshots

Long Island Headshots

Long Island Headshots

