Long Island Personal Branding Headshots

Long Island Personal Branding Headshots

Personal Branding Headshots  are professional images of you and your brand.  If you or your company promote yourself using social media and/or if you need a brand makeover, professional headshots will be a great investment.

I had an opportunity to photograph Carol and Russell Glick, husband and wife team owners of Strategic Divorce Financial Advisors in Great Neck, NY.  They both needed to submit a professional image for an ad featured in Metropolitan Magazine in addition to having professional headshots and images to update their website and social media.  When i first begin to work with a client I have a consultation first in order to learn more about their company and how they wish to promote and market their brand message.  We then choose a location for the shoot and discuss wardrobe options.

To schedule your own personal branding headshot session click here.

Long Island Personal Branding Headshots Long Island Personal Branding Headshots Long Island Personal Branding Headshots Long Island Personal Branding Headshots Long Island Personal Branding Headshots Long Island Personal Branding Headshots





Long Island Actor Headshots

Long Island Actor Headshots

If you are a Long Island actor, having a great headshot  is a must since it is your calling card to get work.  I love shooting headshots.  I enjoy directing and coaching my subjects and working with them to create the best images possible.  I enjoy meeting people and hearing about how they got into acting and I enjoy the challenge of getting the “look”.  Nailing a great headshot is hard work.  It certainly is not easy and can require many clicks of the shutter before we get the right look.  Here are some recent headshots that I took for an aspiring young  Long Island, NY actor.  Headshots are NOT just for actors anymore.  With social media and on-line presence playing such a huge factor in our lives, everyone needs a good headshot for their on-line and social media profiles.  Isn’t it time that you book your shoot today?

Long Island Actor HeadshotsLong Island Actor HeadshotsLong Island Actor HeadshotsLong Island Headshot PhotographerLong Island Headshot PhotographerLong Island Headshot Photographer


Long Island Headshot Photography/ NY Headshots

This lovely lady from Long Island, NY approached me a few weeks ago to take some headshots for her business cards.  She recently became a licensed agent for State Farm and I feel pretty confident that she will make a great agent.  She is also a great figure skating/hockey coach on Long Island.  We met one day at Newbridge Ice Rink where she teaches at and I took a variety of images for her to choose from.

Thank you for choosing me to photograph you and for letting me share your beautiful images.  I had a wonderful time taking these and I hope that you had fun as well.  Congratulations again on your new job.

Bellmore, NY
