New Hyde Park Headshot

New Hyde Park Headshot

New Hyde Park Headshots

There is a very good chance that you landed on this page after typing in New Hyde Park Headshots in your Google search.

I have been a photographer of New Hyde Park headshots in Long Island since 2013. I specialize in the following types of headshots:

  1. Actor Headshots
  2. Dancer Headshots
  3. Model Headshots
  4. Executive Headshots
  5. Business Headshots
  6. LinkedIn Headshots
  7. Entrepreneur Headshots
  8. ......and many more.

Where do your headshot sessions take place?

My headshot sessions take place in several areas. Some options include:

  1. Studio in Bellerose, NY which is about 10 minutes away from New Hyde Park.
  2. Studio in Plainview, NY which is great if you are looking to do multiple looks.
  3. Your place of business. This can also include your employees and staff. Please contact me for special group rates. I will travel within Long Island and NYC, including Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens.
  4. A outdoor location of your choice. This works well if you are looking to have an environmental portrait taken.

To learn more and book your headshot session, get in touch here.

Location: New Hyde Park, NY.